23 December 2006


Dah berminggu dah Raja Sherina ditahan polis. Dia dituduh penyebar fitnah berSMS, melibatkan Datuk Azhar Mansur. Pelayar solo negara yang berjaya mendapatkan gelaran Datuk dengan berlayar secara solo mengelilingi dunia. Bagi aku, Peguam Negara bukan sahaja harus ambil tindakan terhadap Raja Sherina, tetapi harus juga ambil tindakan kepada orang yang membuat kenyataan [di media] mengatakan bahawa jumlah orang yang murtad di negara ini telah mencecah ratusan ribu orang.

Petikan ni aku ambil dari malaysiakini.com, "[c]onversions from Islam are minimal and nowhere near the 100,000 figure bandied around by some religious leaders, said a researcher.

"Based on official data obtained from the state syariah courts, religious departments and the National Registration Department (NRD), the number of conversions are only in the hundreds.

"Dr Mohd Azam Mohd Adil, a law professor at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), said that the NRD recorded 750 applications between 1999 and July 2003 to change names - from Muslim to non-Muslim - in the identity cards.[baca lagi]"